Behaviors speak louder than words—3 service reminders for leaders

I remember advice someone gave me when my kids were little, “Pay attention to your behaviors—because your kids are always watching you.” That has turned out to be very good advice over the years, and I find the same is true for leaders in organizations.  Managers can only get away with so much before their…

Do you have a customer service mindset? 3 ways to find out

Here’s a little game for you. Finish the following phases: “Do unto others as you would have _____ ___ _____ ____.” (Yes, the Golden Rule) “Beauty is in the eyes of ____ _________.” “If it were me, this is what __ ______ ___.” I trust you were able to complete these very common sayings.  While…

Give the Gift of PEACE: A 5-step reminder for the holiday season!

Are you working to create lasting memories this holiday season? Stop and think for a minute, how are YOU feeling right now? Stressed? Anxious? Happy? Sad?  How are other people around you feeling? What does the average customer feel like now? Typically this time of year people are feeling more emotional than usual. This is…

Customer Service–3 ways to make someone’s holiday a little brighter!

As we enter into the holiday season, I always remind myself to try and be on my best behavior and keep my patience while out doing my holiday shopping.  So when I read the story about the New York City police officer who used his own money to buy a homeless man a pair of…

Customer Service—it can’t be about THEM until it’s about YOU

There’s a common misconception that customer service is all about the customer. Surprise—it’s not necessarily so. Service is definitely for the customer—internal or external—but it’s about you, the service provider. “What?” you may be asking. “No, it’s about my client.” True … kinda. But it can’t be about them until it’s about you. The service…

Do your people have permission to cut up the watermelon? 3 strategies for empowering employees

I love being pleasantly surprised, especially when it comes to customer service experiences.  I had one of those experiences a couple of weeks ago when I was visiting my son at college.  Let me share what happened and what I learned about the impact of empowerment as a result. My son goes to school in…

Leverage the Gift of Diversity–4 ways to be a learner with everyone you meet

Trying to keep your internal (employees) and external customers coming back? Maybe it’s time to engage diversity, embrace new and innovative ideas from all of your customers, and be a learner with everyone you meet. Last week I was with a client teaching a session on the topic of Legendary Service.  There were people in…

Got a new employee? 3 ways to show you care

When I was 16 years old, my first job was serving ice cream at a Baskin-Robbins store.  Not only did I love ice cream, but I was very social and felt that this job suited me very well since I loved talking to people. Unfortunately, I think I’m still trying to lose those extra ice…

3 ways to put some FUN into your customer interactions

Last weekend, my mom and I went shopping for her upcoming cruise. We went to lots of stores and encountered many levels of service providers.  From the very cranky at being alive to the “I live to serve” type—we got ‘em all.  But a young woman in the shoe department at Macy’s stood out from…

There’s more than just wild animals to check out at the San Diego Zoo

When my husband came home and informed me that his company party was at the zoo this year, I had mixed feelings.  In one way, it would be nice to visit the world-famous San Diego zoo (and not have to pay for it!) but it’s been so hot recently that the idea of walking around…