Worried You’re A Bully? Ask Madeleine

Dear Madeleine, I manage a few teams—data scientists, bio engineers, research fellows, project managers—in a fast-growing biotech company. I have teams in Southern California, Canada, Eastern Europe, and Indonesia. The teams pass work off between time zones; if one person doesn’t complete their piece during the workday, it puts their counterpart behind. The pressure is…

Feel Like a Fraud? Ask Madeleine

Dear Madeleine, I was recently promoted to executive vice president in a company where I started as an entry level coordinator right out of college. I took advantage of the company’s training and generous education reimbursements, got an MBA, and rose steadily. I never dreamed I would get this far, and I am thrilled about…

Tired of Being Nasty? Ask Madeleine

Dear Madeleine, I lead a business for a global company. I am very bright and hardworking, have risen fast, and continue to rise. I will probably end up being a senior leader for the company someday—if not here, then in another area. My problem: I am a jerk. I have heard others describe me as…

3 Ways to Combat Perfectionism

When a person goes through leadership coaching it often includes some kind of evaluation, such as a 360-degree assessment. Debriefing the assessment results is typically done during one of the first coaching sessions. This debrief helps the coaching client identify strengths they can leverage as well as potential areas for development. I’ve noticed a trend…

Don’t Really Like People? Ask Madeleine

Dear Madeleine, I keep hearing that the most important thing to be successful in business is the ability to build relationships with people. But here is the problem: I don’t like people. I think people are fundamentally untrustworthy and corrupt. I am in veterinary school so I can take care of animals, which I much…

Look for the Strength within the Weakness

Have you ever been let down by someone you lead or manage? If this happens more than once, you may start thinking of it as a flaw within the individual—which may lead to you eventually having a hard time seeing any of that person’s positive traits. This interesting video points out how every weakness has…