Don’t Let Your Ego Stop You from Becoming a Servant Leader

More than 6,300 people have registered for our Servant Leadership in Action Livecast coming up on February 28. That’s a lot of people! I think the event is popular because people recognize we are in desperate need of a new leadership model—one that recognizes that people lead best when they serve first. (For more information…

Coaching to Get Out of Your Own Way

When an organization invests in coaching for their leaders, it is often because they want to move the leader from “almost ready” to “ready now” on promotion lists. In many of these situations, the coaches are asked to help the leaders improve and increase specific skills or develop and deploy underutilized strengths. Basically, skill acquisition…

4 Principles for Using Your Leadership Power

Power accompanies leadership. No matter how lofty or humble your title, whether you manage 3 people or 3,000, regardless if you lead a girl scout troop or you’re the CEO of a multi-million dollar company, you will be faced with choices on how to use your power. And the way you wield your leadership power…

Do you have a customer service mindset? 3 ways to find out

Here’s a little game for you. Finish the following phases: “Do unto others as you would have _____ ___ _____ ____.” (Yes, the Golden Rule) “Beauty is in the eyes of ____ _________.” “If it were me, this is what __ ______ ___.” I trust you were able to complete these very common sayings.  While…

Customer Service—it can’t be about THEM until it’s about YOU

There’s a common misconception that customer service is all about the customer. Surprise—it’s not necessarily so. Service is definitely for the customer—internal or external—but it’s about you, the service provider. “What?” you may be asking. “No, it’s about my client.” True … kinda. But it can’t be about them until it’s about you. The service…

How are you doing as a leader? 3 beliefs that might be holding you back

No one thinks they are bad at listening, receiving feedback, or any other common leadership mistake. That’s why self-awareness is so important for a leader explains Madeleine Blanchard, a master certified coach and co-founder of Coaching Services at The Ken Blanchard Companies. In Blanchard’s experience, all leaders can benefit from examining some of the mindsets…

Innovators—3 ways to invite others to your next big idea

Innovation requires passion.  It takes a lot of energy to develop an idea and implement it successfully in an organization.  Fortunately, innovators have passion in abundance. Innovation also requires collaboration.  Very few ideas can be successfully implemented without the cooperation and buy-in of others.  Unfortunately, innovators often struggle in this area–especially if they fall in…

Blanchard Webinar–Don’t Let Your Ego Hijack Your Career: 4 Warning Signs

Join writer, researcher, and speaker David Witt for a complimentary webinar and online chat beginning today at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (12:00 noon Eastern). In a special presentation on Don’t Let Your Ego Hijack Your Career: 4 Warning Signs, David will be sharing some of the latest research on ego, personality, and its impact on leadership behavior.…

Is it time to join “Egos Anonymous”? Two ways to tell

Best-selling business author Ken Blanchard believes that there are two personality issues that prevent executives from becoming their best selves. “One is false pride—when you think more of yourself than you should. When this occurs, leaders spend most of their time looking for ways to promote themselves. “The other is fear and self-doubt—when you think…