Worried You’re Too Serious? Ask Madeleine

Dear Madeleine, I am serious person. I was a serious child, raised by very thoughtful and serious immigrant parents. I have always had high expectations and standards for myself. I am now a manager of a large group of people and I am continually frustrated that almost none of them live up to my expectations.…

Too Smart for Your Own Good? Ask Madeleine

Dear Madeleine, I am a team lead (the youngest, thank you very much) in a fast and fun Silicon Valley startup. Everything was fine until I was made a lead. The problem: I am just too smart. I know that sounds terrible, but it is true. I actually have an IQ of about 170, and…

10 Bad Work Habits to Break in 2018

Coaches have a front row seat to the habits that get in our clients’ way.  One small but insidious bad habit can cost so much more than we realize.  The research shows that the best way to nip a bad habit is to replace it with something else. Here are 10 potential things to stop…

Leadership as a Partnership

Responsibility for leadership shouldn’t fall on only the person with position power. Leadership needs to be more of a partnership, according to Susan Fowler, co-creator of the newly redesigned Self Leadership program from The Ken Blanchard Companies. “We have to look at leadership as a two-sided coin,” says Fowler. “Some people in organizations don’t realize…

Your Admin is Terrible? Ask Madeleine

Dear Madeleine, I am a senior leader in a large commercial services organization. I spent many years learning how to make good use of an assistant and I’ve always made sure I had a great one. Over the last few years, the company has been reducing the size of the administration group and I have…

Turn the Organizational Pyramid Upside Down?

“Too many leaders have been conditioned to think of leadership only in terms of power and control,” says best-selling business author Ken Blanchard in the July/August issue of Chief Learning Officer magazine. “But there is a better way to lead—one that combines equal parts serving and leading. This kind of leadership requires a special kind…