5 Things I Forbid You To Do This Labor Day Weekend

On Monday, we celebrate the social and economic accomplishments of the American worker. In an effort to truly honor the spirit of the holiday, here are 5 things I forbid you to do this Labor Day weekend:

  1. Set Your Alarm Clock. Sleep in. You work hard. You deserve it.
  2. Check Your E-Mail. Don’t worry, those “urgent” e-mails will still be there when you log in on Tuesday.
  3. Make or Take Business Calls. Please step away from the cell phone. Turn it off or send those calls straight to voice mail. Just like your e-mail, the messages will still be there for you on Tuesday.
  4. Engage Your Professional Social Network. I know you’re concerned about your Klout score but a couple days away shouldn’t cause any irreparable damage. Besides, we’ve got something in common with your e-mail and voice mail, we’ll also be here on Tuesday.
  5. Neglect Your Family and/or Friends. Spend some time with those other people in your life who you don’t get the chance to see while you’re in the office.

Hope you all have a fantastic, relaxing, and disconnected three-day weekend!
Follow me on Twitter: @adammorris21 | Add me on Google+: gplus.to/AdamMorris21
(…just wait until Tuesday.)

5 thoughts on “5 Things I Forbid You To Do This Labor Day Weekend

  1. Great advice. It’s timely and so true that so many of us find it difficult to unplug. My number six? I forbid myself from putting so many things on my “to do” list that I forget to sleep in, spend time with family and friends,and enjoy an “unplugged” weekend.

  2. Pingback: Workers Deserve A Holiday | This Day With God

  3. Pingback: Honoring The American Worker | The Kindness Kronicles

  4. Pingback: Honoring The American Worker | The Kindness Kronicles

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