Does Every Hire Need to Be a Rock Star? Ask Madeleine

Dear Madeleine, I read last week’s column with interest and it sparked a question for me. I am hiring right now for a position that requires someone to simply keep their head down and get the job done. Our company isn’t growing very fast, so there won’t be much room for advancement. I have a…

Trying to Avoid a Bad Hire? Ask Madeleine

Dear Madeleine, I have an amazing team except for one person. I’ve provided ample opportunities for this person to step up and she just isn’t picking up on them. I can’t tell what is going on. She seems bright enough. She can work hard—I’ve seen it—so I don’t think it is laziness. Also, I’m about…

Boss Keeps Making Bad Hires? Ask Madeleine

Dear Madeleine, I work for a great manager at a nonprofit. My manager is wildly committed, super passionate, and really seems to care about his employees. I have reported to him for seven years, during which time I have gone from being known as a green kid right out of college to an old hand…

Don’t Like a Suggested New Hire? Ask Madeleine

Dear Madeleine, I manage a large team of accountants and other kinds of finance experts. We recently posted a job for a senior budget analyst. One of the applicants is a person who was in the finance department a couple of years back. I wasn’t his boss, but I wasn’t impressed with him then and…