A Situational Approach to that Big Holiday Meal?

When we teach Situational Leadership® II we often use non-business examples to help people understand the concept of employee development levels. Hosting a big holiday meal is one of the examples we use to explain that people can be Enthusiastic Beginners, Disillusioned Learners, Capable But Cautious Performers, or Self-Reliant Achievers depending on their past experience.…

Three times when it’s wrong to just be a supportive manager

Most managers prefer to use a supportive leadership style that encourages direct reports to seek out their own solutions in accomplishing their tasks at work.  But that style is only appropriate when the direct report has moderate to high levels of competence and mostly needs encouragement to develop the confidence to become self-sufficient. What about…

Most employees performing significantly below their potential—but does anyone care?

Leadership development training is a smart, prudent investment that drives economic value and bottom line results. But if senior executives don’t care about development then—guess what—development will not be a priority in the company. That’s what Scott Blanchard, principal and EVP with The Ken Blanchard Companies, found out the hard way when his company lost…

Don’t make this leadership mistake. Why leaders need to be always in style

We’ve all been there. Do to some mix-up or poor communication we end up being either over or under dressed for an occasion. You’re wearing something too casual for a formal event (think shorts at a client meeting) or you find yourself wearing formal to a casual event (think a business suit to an after-work…

A kind word changes everything—especially when you’re learning something new

My wife is six months into a new job.  She has been through a lot of training since she started and just recently completed a four-week class to qualify for an advanced role. She’s been struggling to learn all of the different components of the new role and she hit a low point this past…