Reframing, Metaphysics, and Coaching

As a science geek I read up on a lot of different things. Admittedly, some of it goes over my head. I couldn’t honestly say what a Bosun-Higgs particle does, or is, but I recognize one when I see it. (That’s a joke—they are too small to see.)

I share this because I’ve been reading some interesting articles lately from the field of metaphysics. The research suggests we create our own reality by what we think. We conceptualize those thoughts in language. It’s the language I want to explore with you today.

In their book Crunch Time, Judd Hoekstra and Rick Peterson explore the concept of reframing. They tell an amazing baseball story about a critical moment where reframing made all the difference. In metaphysical terms, it’s simple: change your thoughts to change your world.

A few years ago, one of our Blanchard coaches was working with a client who was about to present in front of her board of directors for a high stakes project. She was terrified that she’d throw up, stammer, blunder, and maybe even lose funding for the whole project. Her internal language was squarely focused on fear.

The coach helped her client shift that internal language to create a new reality—one in which she was the most qualified expert to share with interested and caring people how a bit more funding would have a far-reaching effect. The coach encouraged her to envision herself after the meeting, chatting easily with board members, smiling, laughing, and happily answering questions.  As a result, her inner voice went from a screaming demon to an encouraging counselor.

It’s not easy to create a whole new universe. In fact, it can be a lifelong effort to shift the language of our inner voice and thereby shift what we believe to be possible.

So think about this: what might you ponder on, say to yourself, or ask of yourself to shift your universe and build your new and improved reality? Then practice, practice, practice!

About the Author

Patricia OverlandPatricia Overland is a Coaching Solutions Partner with The Ken Blanchard Companies’ Coaching Services team.  Since 2000, Blanchard’s 150 coaches have worked with over 14,500 individuals in more than 250 companies throughout the world. Learn more at Blanchard Coaching Services. And check out Coaching Tuesday every week at Blanchard LeaderChat for ideas, research, and inspirations from the world of executive coaching.

3 thoughts on “Reframing, Metaphysics, and Coaching

  1. Such a great reminder Patricia – thank you. I love what good old Abraham Lincoln once said. He said “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Most of us know this but, for whatever reason, need to hear it frequently. I call our mind “the great forgetter!”

  2. Pingback: Reframing, Metaphysics, and Coaching — Blanchard LeaderChat | Team OCC

  3. Must be more cardboard,” I assumed, however
    when it came time to drag in our gear, there was an abundance of silver fish flopping over the aluminum bow .
    Adrian Rice and Eve Torrence of Randolph-Macon Faculty note in the March School
    Mathematics Journal.

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