Doing More With Less – Nuggets of Truth from Leadership Livecast

Nearly 5,000 people joined dozens of leadership experts yesterday for the Doing <Still> More With Less Leadership Livecast. Over the course of 2 ½ hours there were video presentations and online discussions about strategies to deal with today’s stressed, overworked, and overextended workplace.

The Doing More With Less challenge was explored from several angles. Several speakers encouraged us to stop and think about our work before rushing headlong into the fray while others reminded us of the power we have to redefine our view of what doing more with less really means. Tips on preventing burnout, time management, communication, and employee relations were offered as well.

Here’s just a few of the thoughts that stood out to me:

  • Busyness doesn’t equal productivity. Take time to think and plan. (Mark Sanborn on the importance of taking time to think, focus, and learn)
  • You have a finite amount of time and energy. Prioritize what you want to do and relentlessly focus on high value work. (Mike Alpert on disciplined planning spells success)
  • Work-life balance assumes one suffers at the expense of the other. We need to integrate the two and find ways that one supports the other. (Fons Trompenaars on integrate, don’t balance)
  • Don’t suffer from “brain lard” – wasting your mental energy by focusing on unimportant stuff. (Dick Ruhe)
  • Get the right people with the right motivation in the right place with the right tools. (Jack – 13 year old student)
  • Your work isn’t just a job. Your work is a series of promises you make. (Susan Mazza on delegating less and negotiating more)
  • Leaders need to focus on providing daily inspiration, breeding accountability instead of blame, and balancing self-confidence with humility. (Kate Nasser on being a buoy of inspiration and balance)
  • Don’t let what gets your attention drive your focus. Focus on what needs your attention. (Tanveer Nasseer on the power of focus)
  • Lean times require a lean approach. Work less and focus on the most important and highest ROI tasks. (Jason Diamond Arnold on the lean approach to working)
  • Shift your mentality from “I have to do this” to “I get to do this.” (Margie Blanchard on I have to versus I get to)

I shared that leaders need to eliminate the phrase “do more with less” from our vocabularies. It erodes trust whenever we tell our people they have to do more with less. They feel like we “just don’t get it.” Instead, we need to communicate the reality of our business situation with our team, solicit their involvement in creating strategies to deal with the challenges we’re facing, and dial-up the amount and type of support we offer our folks.

Did you attend the Doing <Still> More With Less Leadership Livecast? If so, what were the nuggets of trust you discovered? If you happened to miss it, you can purchase access to the recording and/or program notes here.

Randy Conley is the Trust Practice Leader at The Ken Blanchard Companies and his LeaderChat posts appear the last Thursday of every month. For more insights on trust and leadership, visit Randy at his Leading with Trust blog or follow him on Twitter @RandyConley.

9 thoughts on “Doing More With Less – Nuggets of Truth from Leadership Livecast

  1. I could not agree more that we need to remove the phrase “do more with less” from any conversation with team members.Their first thought will be, can they do it without me? This does not create an environment of engagement but one of fear.
    And a shout out to you 13 year old. We have much wasted talent in this country and as leaders we need to focus on finding and helping develop talent to have the right person, in the right seat, on the right bus, going in the right direction.

    • Thank you for your comments Tom. You bring up an important point – the constant pressure and mantra to do more with less creates a culture of fear and resentment. Jack, the 13 year-old who presented is the son of one of our Consulting Partners and he’s presented a message the last few years. He is wise beyond his years!

      Take care,


  2. I love what Margie had to say – Shift your mentality from “I have to do this” to “I get to do this.”

    This slight shift in words can be life changing for those that apply it. We’re given the choice and ability to do things. We’re never “forced” or “have to” do something.

  3. I like the concept work smarter not harder, if there’s a way to do it smarter that will be more efficient, doesn’t strain as much brain power and is alot more efficient, it’s just as good as working hard. I think the part where you shared “You have a finite amount of time and energy. Prioritize what you want to do and relentlessly focus on high value work.” is true, when we simply shift our point of view things happen alot more easier.

    • Thanks for your comments. I agree with you that the key is finding those different ways to work smarter and not harder. I don’t think there is a one size fits all solution and most of the time we have to learn by trial and error.

      Take care,


      • Your Welcome Randy, I just though that this is true what you wrote above, I also believe if we have developed a workplace that is both positive and productive, employees won’t be feeling stressed, rather than excited, they won’t be finding an excuse to knock off early, they will be finding ways to jump at opportunity to get on the phone to close that sale, or to get more done for the company because they truly love being part of it and they feel supported. When we have this in place, not only do the people grow, but so does the business.

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