Employee Turnover, Customer Satisfaction, and Employee Productivity—Why Good isn’t Good Enough

Maintaining the status quo costs more than you think.  In fact, in the average organization it costs over $1,000,000 dollars a year according to The Ken Blanchard Companies new Cost of Doing Nothing Calculator.  The calculator which was just released on the company’s web site identifies three potential drains on performance—employee turnover, customer satisfaction, and employee productivity.   

Using formulas based on independent research the calculator helps executives identify what excessive employee turnover costs a company when good people with developed skills leave an organization, what dissatisfied customers cost a company, and how less than optimal employee productivity numbers translate into bottom line impact.   

The overall result?  A shocking $1,000, 000 dollars or more in most cases.   

Interested in finding out what your Cost of Doing Nothing might be?  You can check out the Cost of Doing Nothing Calculator for free at www.costofdoingnothing.com or by clicking here to access The Ken Blanchard Companies web site.

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